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Faculty Resources

Library Resources for Chemeketa faculty

Course Reserves

What are Course Reserves?

Course Reserves are a great way for instructors to facilitate in student success. They provide short term access to course materials for your students.  The library catalogs and houses reserve materials and returns them to you at your request.  Students check out and return materials using their student ID at the Library Circulation Desk.

How do I put materials on reserve?

Bring materials to the Library Circulation Desk or request a library-owned title to be placed on reserve.  Complete a brief form available at the Library Circulation Desk or print the Reserves Form located in the Documents section of this page.  

How long does it take for an item become available to students?

Prior to the start of the term, please bring in items that you would like available the first week of the term.  Process time takes approximately 3-4 business days.  Items are processed on a first come, fist served basis.  

What can go on reserve?

• Instructor’s original work: Notes, PowerPoint Slides, Labs, Class Activities, Tests, Answer Keys
• Textbooks (not Instructor’s Editions or Exam Copies)
• Chemeketa-produced Items
• Journals and periodicals
• Commercially produced DVD’s, CD’s and cassettes (not copies)
• Library owned materials (books, journals, media items)

What can't go on reserve?

• Lab Manuals
• Workbooks
• Study Guides
• Course Packs
All reserve items must be compliant with the library's Reserve Guidelines and the Copyright Revision Act of 1976.  

For information on copyright for Chemeketa employees, including sample permission letters, see the Chemeketa Copyright Manual.

Why should faculty members utilize reserves?

• Reserve materials are centrally located and maintained at the library.
• The library is open hours intended for maximum availability to students.
• You provide the item and we do the work.

How do students use course reserves?

• Have a current Student ID
• Know their instructor’s name and/or course number (eg. WR090), or the full title of the reserve item
• Go to the Library’s Circulation Desk to check out the item
• Students are responsible for the item until it is checked in
• Facilities are available for individuals or groups to view videos and DVD’s if you choose an “in-library use only” option

Reserve Disclaimer

The Chemeketa Library is not responsible for damaged, missing and/or lost personal or departmental copies while on reserve, though we make every effort to secure all materials. If a personal or departmental copy is lost or damaged, the faculty contact will be notified and asked to make a decision to replace or withdraw the item from reserve. If the library is able to collect fees for the damaged or lost property, the faculty member or department will be reimbursed as appropriate. Please refer any questions or concerns about placing personal copies on reserve to Heather Simpson-Howell (503.399.5156).


picture of reserve books on shelf