Please use these databases listed in the Use Databases Find Articles section of this page to search for journal articles. Many are Full Text. Also, there are print copies of some in the Chemeketa library.
In particular Geology and Science are suitable resources for scholarly articles.
All the electronic databases listed in this section may be accessed by going to the library's Database Page. If you are using databases from off campus, you will need your My Chemeketa user name and password.
TIP: When using keywords, try truncating: theor* finds theory, theories, theoretical, etc. (* is the truncation character for Gale databases and for ScienceDirect).
Oregon Geology magazine is indexed on the Oregon Department of Geology & Mineral Industries Publications search.
Google Scholar is a special version of Google that finds books, scholarly journal articles, and technical reports. You can set it up to find Chemeketa-subscribed articles.