Most databases include links to full text for at least some of their articles. If there is no full text in the database where you're searching, you can usually use a link to check for full text in a different database.
For example, you use the Check for full text function to find the article "Who cares who killed Edwin Drood? Or, on the whole, I'd rather be in Philadelphia."
► If the full text is available electronically, there will be links to one or more databases that have the article. Click on the database title to view the article. If you are off campus, you will have to log in with your My Chemeketa user name and password.
► If the article is not available electronically, you can click the Sign in link and log in with your My Chemeketa user name and password to request that we obtain a copy from another library for you. We do not charge for this service, which is called interlibrary loan. For more information,see Requesting Materials from Other Libraries.
There is a link to send a message to the reference librarian if you have difficulty connecting to the article. Here is a list of troubleshooting tips that may be useful.