Information on campus sustainability. Click More for login information
As a member of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE), Chemeketa Community College students and employees have access to AASHE’s online Resource Center.
Create a free personal account with a Chemeketa Community College email address to access any member-only resources in the Resource Center. Click on "Create Account" in the upper right corner of the AASHE website to create an account. If you have already created an account, click on "Log In" for full access to resources.
Business news, journal articles, company histories, market reports, company profiles, business case studies, and industry information. Includes indexing to the Wall Street Journal (latest two years) and Oregon Business Magazine (1985-present).
Current news in higher education. For instructions on creating a Chronicle of Higher Education account or accessing it on your iPad, smartphone or tablet, go to Accessing Chronicle Content.
The library's largest collection of electronic books covering a wide variety of subject areas. How to Use
Books in Ebook Central are downloadable, either in PDF format as chapters or page ranges, or in EPUB format as whole works. You must login with your My Chemeketa username and password to print or download content. Click Help in Ebook Central for full instructions on downloading.
A collection of reference, scholarly, and professional ebooks. The collection also includes electronic books available in the public domain. This collection is not updated and does not include recently published books
Educational films and documentaries on a wide variety of subjects. Please note: content produced by HBO, A&E, and BBC may not play in older browsers if the video is embedded in eLearn or other websites. If you get an error try a different browser. If the error persists, find and view the video within Films on Demand.
Provides articles from approximately 1,000 journals, magazines, and newsletters, half peer-reviewed and 80% in full text.
Has content from Gale health reference books, CareNotes System, Clinical Reference Systems, Mosby's Medical, Nursing and Allied Health Dictionary , and several drug information sources. Includes alternative health resources. Also includes health videos. Over 2,000 pamphlets.
Full-text newspaper database which allows users to search articles by title, headline, date, newspaper section or other assigned fields. Includes newswires.
Impact of Hispanic Americans as recorded by the news media, 1704 to today. In English and Spanish. Noticias hispanoamericanas de 1704 hasta la actualidad. Hay articulos en ingles and en español
Una colección de revistas hispánicas con textos completos. Abarca negocios, salud, tecnología, cultura, temas de actualidad y otras materias. Cómo usar
Includes Artstor images. JSTOR is an article archive. It does not include current articles. The collection includes Open Access, and Archival & Primary Source collections.
Publicaciones académicas de texto completo, publicadas en países de América Latina, España y Portugal.
Puede cambiar cambiar el idioma de la interfaz. Hay que crear una cuenta “My Research.”
Overviews of legal subject matter and legal forms linked to Oregon State and County Court websites. Made available through the State of Oregon Law Library. You will need to create a free account to use the resource.
If you have any questions on using Legal Information Reference Center, contact any Oregon County Law Library or the State of Oregon Law Library for assistance.
Downloadable popular ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines. You must be a current Chemeketa student or employee or have an active CCRLS public library card for access. For information about library cards, please see Borrower Services. A guide to access for Chemeketa students employees is available on the Library2go Login Guide.
Critical essays and reviews, biographies of authors; overviews of frequently studied works; full-text poems, short stories and plays; Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature; and more. How To Use
Includes searchable full-text access to the US, International, Spanish, and Chinese editions of the New York Times newspaper. Create a personal account with your Chemeketa email address for full-text access. A video tutorial and written instructions for creating an account is available at Creating a New York Times Account.
NoveList Plus is a comprehensive readers' advisory resource for fiction and nonfiction. Provides classified lists of fiction and nonfiction, with reviews.
Currently registered Chemeketa students and employees login for off campus access with a My Chemeketa username and password.
Public library card holders can access NoveList Plus remotely through CCRLS by using their library card number and PIN.
Digitized version of a tool "compiled by State Library staff and volunteers starting in the early 20th century and continuing to the mid-1980s. It contains over 700,000 cards with citations to articles published in Portland and Salem newspapers, magazines, book chapters, and more. Topics cover events and issues important to Oregon history and state government." Not full text; citations only.
Ovid Nursing Full Text Plus offers the text of forty-two nursing journals published by Lippincott, including Nursing, American Journal of Nursing, and Nursing Made Incredibly Easy.
The most complete historical dictionary of the English language. It includes the etymology or origin and historical use of words.
Each entry contains an etymology, giving the origin of the word traced through various languages. Definitions of the word are given in order from oldest to newest, and each definition is followed by a series of quotations using the word, in chronological order. How to use
Includes articles in academic journals, newspapers, and general interest magazines. Click on Databases (4) to select specific databases or subject areas to search within. How to use ProQuest