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WR122 Self-Guided

Welcome to the WR122 Self-Guided tutorial! It includes

  • an exercise on how a strong source can lead to additional material
  • two short videos
  • and  a brief self-quiz for you to test your knowledge.

You will be able to print or download a certificate to show that you have completed the tutorial.

The Additional Resources page links to some helper pages on multimodal composition and other topics which may be helpful.

This tutorial assumes that you have a basic knowledge of the Primo Library Search and the characteristics of scholarly sources. If you need a refresher, you can find it on this WR122 page. If you have not taken WR121, you can take the WR121 Self Guided Tutorial before attempting the WR122 tutorial on this page.

Skills to learn in this tutorial:

  • Using your initial research to focus your topic and search further
  • Using article references in a strong source to find more and newer sources
  • Using Google Scholar
  • Choosing a database to make your search results better
