1. Start at the Chemeketa Community College Library homepage (library.chemeketa.edu)
2. On the right side of the page, click the button that says Articles & Databases
3. In the alphabetical navigation bar, click 'N'
4. Scroll down and click on New York Times
5. Click the button that says 'Create Account'
6. Enter your email address and password of your choice
7. Choose the 'Student' button and set a graduation date. Choose a date several years in the future. It does not have to be accurate.
8. Optional alternate email - your choice
9. Optional button to receive NY Times updates - your choice
10. Click the button that says 'Sign Up'
PRI's The World is a daily one-hour radio program featuring stories from around the world. The World is heard on over 300 stations across North America. There are multiple options for listening to the program, including live on the radio, via podcasts such as the links below, or by going to the PRI's The World website. The website offers text and images to supplement the radio program. For an example of value added items on the website, look at "Indian College Women Push Back Against Curfews."
The BBC World News Service Radio features stories in different categories from around the world. See a list of recent podcasts below and visit their website to learn more about the BBC.
National Geographic News is an online feature of the National Geographic Society a large nonprofic scientific and educational institution interested in geography, archeology and natural science, and the promotion of environmental and historical conservation (find out more by visiting About the NGS).
The Chemeketa Community College Library also subscribes to the National Geographic Virtual Library.
TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in short talks. Browse TED for talks about culture.