The Primo library search has a Favorites feature that lets you gather materials together (for example for e-mailing), and lets you save them for your projects. Sign into the library search to save your sources.
You can sign in with your My Chemeketa/Single Sign-On information by clicking the Sign In link on the library search page.
Once you're logged in, you'll be able to save items by clicking the "keep this item" control (pin icon) next to the description of the item.
You can save a search so you can repeat it at a later time. A Save Query (Keep this search) control appears at the top of a list of results. Clicking it will save your search.
A banner appears at the top of the page to notify you that your search is saved.A link to turn on notifications lets you have the search run at intervals and send you a link to new results. The notification will be sent to an e-mail address you enter.