Most of the library's journals are available through article databases. Different article databases include different journals. Most databases have a searchable list of the magazines, journals and newspapers available in that database. This may be called Publications List, Titles List, Browse Journals or something similar.
The steps and video below are for a publication search in Academic OneFile database. Other recommended databases for publication searching are Education Research Complete, JSTOR, ProQuest Central, and Science Direct.
- Go to the library database page at
- Choose Academic OneFile or another article database. You will be prompted to enter your My Chemeketa username and password if you are off campus
- Click on Publication Search. This may be called something different in a different database
- Do a keyword search. Use the keywords you have identified as being related to a profession, career or academic discipline; if you get zero results, try a different keyword search
- Refine Results. Limit to peer-reveiwed publications; that will exclude popular magazines and newspapers (not all databases will give you this option)
- Make a Choice. Click on the name of the publication
- Read the publication description page. This page will vary depending on the database you are in; take some time to read the page looking for indications that the publication is scholarly
- Choose a full text article from a journal. Not all journals provide online full text access to articles; the publication description page should tell you whether or not full text articles are available.