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ECE150 - Research in the History of Education: Finding Articles and Websites

Help in searching for noted figures in the history of early childhood education.

You should be able to find information on historic figures in education in reference books listed in the Finding Books tab of this guide, and in the reserve books at the circulation desk. Below are listed some "best bets" for finding information in other sources. Periodical database searches for the less famous individuals may be tricky at times, and no search will bring up 100% relevant results. You will need your My Chemeketa user name and password to access the articles from off campus.

Searching for Articles

The databases listed below have information on subjects relating to education. If you are off campus, you will need your My Chemeketa user name and password to access the articles.


Stumped? Here's Some Help

                Photograph of Abigail Adams Eliot            Eliot

Search in Primo Library Search for "Abigail Eliot" and "Abigail Adams Eliot". Use quotations marks around first and last name.  Search for the school associated with her "Ruggles Street Nursery School and Training Center" or "RSN Training School".

Image from


picture of Froebel


Try the Encyclopedia of education and human development.

In Gale Educator's Reference Complete database, try searching for Froebel and sort results by relevance.


picture of gerberGerber


To find books, search for "Magda Gerber" in the Primo Library Search on the library home page. On the page of results you can click Books, Electronic or Books, Printed under Resource Type to limit your results to books.

Journal articles on Gerber are scarce.Try searching for her name with quotation marks ("Magda Gerber") in the Proquest Central database. If you don't find one in one of our education databases, try Google Scholar, an academic version of the search engine. Articles or books with available links are shown at the right side of the results page. You may have to page through the results list a bit. Try adding a term like "mindful parenting" to your search:

"Magda Gerber" mindful parenting


Picture of Margaret McMillan Picture of Rachel McMillan

McMillan sisters

Gale eBooks on the database page, has some information about the McMillans. Or try the Spartacus Online Encyclopedia of British History. In the "British Education," section you can find articles about Margaret and Rachel McMillan.

Or try a Google Scholar search on the Web for the following (exactly as printed below):

    +"Margaret McMillan" "early childhood"

In Proquest Central on the database page, search for "Margaret McMillan" AND education.  You can use the filters on the results page to limit to Scholarly Journals, Books, etc.

thumbnail photo of mitchell Lucy Sprague Mitchell

Type her name into the Primo Library Search. Under  Availability , choose Chemeketa Onsite Collection to find an encyclopedia and an Academic Reserve book that talk about her.

On the database page Education Research Complete, Academic OneFile, and JSTOR all have articles.




If you don't find a printed book, try an electronic one. Our e-books appear in the Primo Library Search. Search for her name with quotation marks around it. You can limit to Books, Electronic under Resource Type in the results.

Journal articles on Pikler are scarce. Try searching for "Emmi Pikler" (with quotation marks) in Proquest Central. If you don't find an article in one of our education databases, try Google Scholar, an academic version of the search engine. Articles or books with available links are shown at the right side of the results page. You may have to page through the results list a bit.

In an Internet search engine, try her name with quotation marks around it.


picture of vygotskyVygotsky

Tip: The name may be spelled Vygotskii or Vygotsky. Try: "Vygotsk*."

For reference books, try Gale eBooks, or one of the printed reference books listed in the Getting Started tab.

For books, use the Primo Library Search on the library home page.

For journal articles, click the "Peer Reviewed Journals" filter in the library search results, or use Education Research Complete.

Subject Periodicals
