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Library Instruction Program

Library Instruction Statistics


Library Instruction Sessions - Salem, Yamhill Valley Campus, and Online










Student Survey

In 2018 the library sent a survey to all students taking at least one class for credit and students in Adult Basic Education (ABE), General Educational Development  (GED), English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses.  

Please rate how helpful the following research assistance services were to your Fall 2018 course required and/or personal research needs - all students who indicated they used the library

Very Helpful

Somewhat Helpful

Not Very Helpful

Did Not Use Service


Research help at the reference desk

494  / 56%

94 / 10%

7 / >1%

288 / 33%

883 / 100%

Online research guides

373 / 42%

169 / 19%

15 / 2%

327 / 37%

884 / 100%

Group library instruction sessions

262 / 30%

89 / 10%

7 / >1%

527 / 60%

885 / 100%

Research help by chat/IM

180 / 20%

77 / 10%

8 / >1%

620 / 70%

885 / 100%
Please rate how helpful the following research assistance services were to your Fall 2018 course required and/or personal research needs - all students in WR121, WR122 or WR227 who indicated they used the library
Option Very Helpful Somewhat Helpful Not Very Helpful Did Not Use Service TOTAL
Research help at the reference desk 123 / 60% 18 / 9% 1 / <1% 60 / 30% 202 / 100%
Online research guides 106 / 52% 48 / 24% 4 / 2% 44 / 22% 202 / 100%
Group library instruction sessions 78 / 39% 25 / 12% 1 / <1% 96 / 48% 200 / 100%
Research help by chat/IM 35 / 18% 20 / 10% 2 / 1% 143 / 71% 200 / 100%