E-books in general are cited the same way as printed books, with some information added at the end of the citation. Here are examples for books found in our databases.:
Author [Last name], [First name]. Title of the book. Place of publication: publisher, year. Name of database. Web. Date.
Hunt, Geoffrey, et al. Drugs and Culture: Knowledge, Consumption and Policy. Taylor and Francis, 2016. Ebook Central, ebookcentral. proquest.com/lib/chemeketa/detail.action? docID=10456126.
Author [Last name], A. [Initial(s)] (Year). Title of the book. Place of publication: publisher. DOI [if available]
Hancock, P., & Skinner, B. (Eds.) (2000). The Oxford Companion to the Earth. Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/ 10.1093/acref/9780198540397.001.0001
Evans, C., & Tippins, Emma. (2007). The foundations of emergency care. Maidenhead, Berkshire: McGraw-Hill/Open University Press.
A book without a DOI is cited exactly the same as a printed book.
Author, First name. Title of Book. [Ed., if any]. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year. URL. [accessed Date].
Evans, Cliff, and Emma Tippins. Foundations of Emergency Care. Maidenhead, Berkshire: McGraw-Hill/Open University Press, 2007. https://ebookcentral.proquest .com/lib/chemeketa/detail.action?docID=10196994 [accessed July 6, 2017].