Use Primo Library Search to find a print book or DVD.
When you find your item click the Sign In link. Sign in with your Chemeketa username and password.
There will be a Request Chemeketa item link if the book or DVD is owned by Chemeketa
If it is not owned by Chemeketa, there will be a Request from Summit Plus link. Chemeketa employees and students taking courses for college credit can request Summit Plus materials.
Click on the request link and choose where you would like to check it out. Materials can be sent to Chemeketa's Polk Center, Salem Campus Library, Woodburn Public Library, or Yamhill Valley Campus. If you cannot pick up the item a one of these locations, you can request it by mail for an $8 fee.
If you need to change your address, do that in My Chemeketa first and wait a day before requesting.
For delivery to CCRLS public libraries, please see Having Chemeketa Materials Delivered to a Public Library. You will need your public library card.