Presentations are a powerful way to convey information to an audience. There are many ways to create slideshows that you can play behind you as you talk. Just remember that the most important thing about a presentation is you, the presenter. Try not to overload your slides with too much information. That can take away from your audience's ability to pay attention to what you are saying. The video below has a lot of good tips that can help you create an engaging slideshow that wont distract from your message.
The most common tool for creating presentations is still Microsoft Office's PowerPoint. It's available as a stand alone piece of software or online with a subscription.
You have access to Microsoft Office Online for free as a student. Go to and sign in using your chemeketa email address. Click on the "Forgot my password" button and follow the steps, making sure that the "Email my alternate email" box is checked on the next screen. Office will send your Chemeketa email a code that you can use to sign in and set up an account.
Slides offers much of the same functionality and is free with your Google account. If you are in Google Drive you can create a new one right there by clicking on the "New" button and selecting Slides. There are many YouTube videos that will help you learn to use the program. Here is one: