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BI132 - Environmental Science 2

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Adams, J., Kaplan, I. C., Chasco, B., Marshall, K. N., Acevedo-Gutiérrez, A., & Ward, E. J. (2016). 
      A century of Chinook salmon consumption by marine mammal predators in the Northeast Pacific 
      Ocean. Ecological Informatics, 34, 44-51. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2016.04.010
Adrean, L. J., Roby, D. D., Lyons, D. E., Collis, K., & Evans, A. F. (2012). 
      Potential effects of management on Caspian tern Hydroprogne caspia predation 
      on juvenile salmonids at a colony in San Francisco Bay, California. 
      Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 141(6), 1682-1696.
      doi: 10.1080/00028487.2012.713886

Adrean, L.J. (2011). Caspian tern (Hydroprogne caspia) foraging 
      ecology and predation on juvenile salmonids in San Francisco Bay, 
      California. (Master's thesis). Retrieved from

Anderson, C.D., Roby, D.D., & Collis, K. (2004). Foraging patterns of male and 
      female double-crested cormorants nesting in the Columbia River estuary. 
      Canadian Journal of Zoology 82, 541-554.  doi:10.1139/Z04-019

Anderson, S.K., Roby, D.D., Lyons, D.E. & Collis, K. (2005). Factors 
      affecting chick provisioning by Caspian terns nesting in the 
      Columbia River Estuary. Waterbirds 28, 95-105. Retrieved 
      January 16, 2013, from

Antolos, M., Roby, D.D. & Lyons, D.E. (2005). Caspian tern predation 
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      2013, from

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Bayer, R.D. (2003). Review: Bird Predation of juvenile salmonids and management 
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Browne, P., Laake, J.L. & DeLong, R.L. (2002). Improving pinniped diet analyses 
      through identification of multiple skeletal structures in fecal samples. Fishery 
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Carey, M. P., Sanderson, B. L., Barnas, K. A., & Olden, J. D. (2012). Native 
      invaders-challenges for science, management, policy, and society. Frontiers 
      in Ecology and the Environment, 10(7), 373-381. doi:10.1890/110060
Caudill, C. C., Clabough, T. S., Jepson, M. A., Keefer, M. L., Lee, S. R.,
      Naughton, G. P., & Peery, C. A. (2011). Influence of pinniped-caused 
      injuries on the survival of adult Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus 
      tshawytscha) and steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the 
      Columbia River basin. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic 
      Sciences, 68, 1615-1624. doi:10.1139/F2011-064
Chasco, B., Kaplan, I. C., Thomas, A., Acevedo-Gutierrez, A., Noren, D., Ford, M. J., ...
      Ward, E. J. (2017). Estimates of Chinook salmon consumption in Washington State 
       inland waters by four marine mammal predators from 1970 to 2015. Canadian Journal 
      of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 74(8), 1173-1194. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2016-0203-4
Collis, K., Roby, D.D., Craig, D.P., Adamany, S., Adkins, J.Y., & Lyons, D.E. (2002). 
      Colony size and diet composition of piscivorous waterbirds on the lower
      Columbia River: Implications for losses of juvenile salmonids to avian
      predation. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 131, 537-550.
      Retrieved May 2, 2005, from

Collis, K., Roby, D.D., Craig, D.P., Ryan, B.A., & Ledgerwood, R.D. (2001). 
      Colonial waterbird predation on juvenile salmonids tagged with passive 
      integrated transponders in the Columbia River estuary: Vulnerability 
      of different salmonid species, stocks, and rearing types. 
      Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 130,385-396. Retrieved 
      May 2, 2005, from

Collis, K., Roby, D. D., Larson, K. W., Adrean, L. J., Nelson, S. K., Evans, A. F., 
      ... & Patterson, A. (2012). Trends in Caspian tern nesting and diet in San 
      Francisco Bay: conservation implications for terns and salmonids. Waterbirds, 
      35(1), 25-34. Retrieved October 24, 2013, from

Emmett, R.L. (1996). Estuarine survival of salmonids: the importance of 
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Emmett, R.L., Bentley, P.J. & Krutzikowsky, G.K. (2001) Ecology of marine predatory 
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Emmett, R.L., & Krutzikowsky, G.K. (2008). Nocturnal feeding of Pacific 
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      Implications for juvenile salmon predation. Transactions of the 
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Evans, A. F., Hostetter, N. J., Roby, D. D., Collis, K., Lyons, D. E., Sandford, 
      B. P., ... & Sebring, S. (2012). Systemwide evaluation of avian predation on 
      juvenile salmonids from the Columbia River based on recoveries of passive 
      integrated transponder tags. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 
      141(4), 975-989.

Evans, A. F., Payton, Q., Cramer, B. M., Collis, K., Hostetter, N. J., 
      Roby, D. D., & Dotson, C. (2019). Cumulative Effects of Avian Predation 
      on Upper Columbia River Steelhead. Transactions of the American Fisheries 
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Evans, A.F., Roby, D.D., Collis, K., Cramer, B.M. Sheggeby,Andrean, L.J. 
      ... Lyons, D.E. (2011). Recovery of coded wire tags at a Caspian Tern 
      colony in San Francisco Bay: A technique to evaluate impacts of avian 
      predation on juvenile salmonids. North American Journal of Fisheries 
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Foster, E.A., Frank, D.W., Morrell, L.J., Balcomb, K.C., Parson, 
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      of food availability in an endangered population of killer whales, 
      Orcinus orca. Animal Behaviour, 83, 731–736. 

Hanson, M., Baird, R. W., Ford, J. K., Hempelmann-Halos, J., Van Doornik, 
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      identification of prey consumed by endangered southern resident killer 
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Independent Multidisciplinary Science Team. (1998). Pinniped and and seabird 
      predation: implications for recovery of threatened stocks of salmonids in 
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Kuehne, L.M. & Olden, J.D. (2012). Prey naivety in the behavioural 
      responses of juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) to an 
      invasive predator. Freshwater Biology, 57, 1126–1137. doi:10.1111/

Laake, J.L., Browne,  P., DeLong, R.L., Huber,  H.R. (2002). Pinniped diet 
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Lance, M. M., Chang, W. Y., Jeffries, S. J., Pearson, S. F., & Acevedo-Gutiérrez, A. 
      (2012). Harbor seal diet in northern Puget Sound: implications for the recovery of 
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McMichael, G. A., Hanson, A. C., Harnish, R. A., & Trott, D. M. (2013). Juvenile 
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      potentially impacting wild salmon declines. Evolutionary Applications 7, 812-855. 
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Moore, M., Berejikian, B. A., & Tezak, E. P. (2013). A floating bridge disrupts 
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Schreck, C.B., Stahl, T.P., Davis, L.E., Roby, D.D., & Clemens, B.J. (2006). 
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