Primo Library Search is a Chemeketa Community College library database used to find books, articles, and media in online and physical formats. It is the only library database that searches for print books, magazines and DVDs in the library's collection. It also finds materials in Summit libraries.
If you wanted to check out a copy of The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, you would use Primo Library Search to determine if Chemeketa Community College library owns a copy. If you wanted the March 2020 issue of Sports Illustrated, you would use Primo Library Search to determine if the library subscribes to Sports Illustrated and if so, whether or not the March 2020 issue is available to checkout.
Primo Library Search also searches for articles, books and media available in electronic formats in most of the other databases Chemeketa subscribes to.
This short video will show you how to use Library Search to discover books and articles in print and full text online at Chemeketa and many other libraries.
To search in Primo Library Search, begin with keywords. Examples of keywords are: