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Wine Industry Exploration

Google Alerts

You can set up Google Alerts at to regularly search the web and push the results to you on a regular schedule.  This is especially helpful if you want to stay up to date on what is being published on the web regarding topics you're interested in.

RSS Feeds and Email Alerts

RSS iconSome websites and online journals allow you to set up an RSS feed. This is just one way to get information regularly sent to you instead of you regularly going out to get the information. You need an RSS feed reader to set up and manage your RSS feeds. RSS readers are incorporated into your web browser. There are many free readers to choose from. A Google search for rss reader will give you links to reviews that can help you choose.  When you're on a webpage, look for an RSS option.  Clicking on it will produce a web address that you add to your RSS reader. 

Email Article Alerts

Not all online journals will have an RSS option. In that case, look for the option to sign up for email alerts or newsletters.