Impact of Hispanic Americans as recorded by the news media, 1704 to today. In English and Spanish. Noticias hispanoamericanas de 1704 hasta la actualidad. Hay articulos en ingles and en espaƱol
Includes Artstor images. JSTOR is an article archive. It does not include current articles. The collection includes Open Access, and Archival & Primary Source collections.
Includes articles in academic journals, newspapers, and general interest magazines. Click on Databases (4) to select specific databases or subject areas to search within. How to use ProQuest
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Web Sites
Browse these sites, or use the custom search engine below to search these and other history sites.
For example, try searching for Sixties United States.
A large, multimedia meta-collection of historical materials including documents, photographs, recorded sound, and moving pictures. Supported by the Library of Congress.
This textbook publisher maintains free, full-text hypertext "encyclopedias" : the Medieval World; Encyclopedia of British History, 1700-1900; First World War Encyclopedia; Investigating the Vietnam War; Emancipation Of Women: 1860-1920. Scroll down to see all the offerings.
Gives a summary of a historical event for today's date; a link to other events for the same day is available. A pulldown menu allows you to search for events which happened on any day in the year.