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BI132 - Environmental Science 2

Help with finding material on northwest salmon

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Davis, J.C. & Davis, G.A. (2010, April). The influence of stream 
      crossing structures on the distribution of rearing juvenile 
      Pacific salmon (Grant report). Talkeetna, AK: ARRI: Aquatic  
      Restoration & Research Institute. Retrieved from
Favrot, S. D., Jonasson, B. C., & Peterson, J. T. (2018). Fall and winter microhabitat use 
      and suitability for spring Chinook salmon parr in a US Pacific Northwest river. Transactions 
      of the American Fisheries Society, 147(1), 151-170. doi:10.1002/tafs.10011
Geist, D.R. (2000). Interaction of ground water and surface water within fall chinook 
      salmon spawning areas in the Hanford Reach of the Columbia River, in Proceedings 
      of the Ground-Water/Surface-Water Interactions Workshop, (EPA/442/R-00/007, p. 
      95-98). Washington, DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved January 12, 
      2013, from

Geßner, C., Johnson, S. L., Fisher, P., Clarke, S., Rutherford, K., Symonds, J., & Gemmell, 
      N. J. (2017). Male–female relatedness at specific SNP-linkage groups influences cryptic female 
      choice in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Proceedings of the  Royal Society B, 
      284(1859), 20170853. doi:10.1098/rspb.2017.0853.
Gessner, C., Nakagawa, S., Zavodna, M., & Gemmell, N. J. (2017). 
      Sexual selection for genetic compatibility: the role of the major 
      histocompatibility complex on cryptic female choice in Chinook salmon 
      (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Heredity, 118(5), 442. doi:10.1038
Liedtke, T.L., Kock, T.J., Evans, S.D., Hansen, G.S., & Rondorf, D.W.
      (2014). Post-release behavior and movement patterns of Chinook salmon 
      (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) 
      after capture using alternative commercial fish gear, lower Columbia River, Washington 
      and Oregon, 2013 (Open-File Report 2014-1069). Seattle: U.S. Geological Survey. 
      doiI: 10.3133/ofr20141069